#4 - "Anchor Activities"
Having self-directed tasks for the student to work on is so important when trying to work with a small sub-set of the students in the classroom. I love to use journaling, AR reading, spelling practice and math manipulatives when I have the class split into just two groups. I have never tried to get two thirds of the class to work on two different content-based tasks before!!! :-)
#8 - Options if students need help when Teacher is busy
LOVE the idea of having "Expert(s) of the Day" as a student job!!! I wonder if creating a Rubric for the Expert(s) to use when assisting fellow students would be useful in staying consistent with instruction and encourage studious behavior.
#14 - Plan for "Quick Finishers"
Rubrics would be great here for students to self-assess their work before turning it in and declaring "All Finished with my work." Several ideas to illustrate "knock your socks off" come to mind: making a Knock Your Socks Off bulletin board listing what qualifies, brainstorm with students what characteristics of "finished work" qualifies.
Chapter 6 provides 17 strategies that you can use to successfully meet the different instructional needs of your students. Please read the chapter and post to your blog.
Discuss at least 3 of the 17 management strategies that you could implement in your classroom that would help you manage the many needs of your students.
Your plan for the quick learners is very creative! That would be something I that I will have to try out. I have several that finish quickly and I want to implement some new ideas for next year.