Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Chapter 6 "Strategies for Managing a Differentiated Classroom"

#4 - "Anchor Activities"
Having self-directed tasks for the student to work on is so important when trying to work with a small sub-set of the students in the classroom. I love to use journaling, AR reading, spelling practice and math manipulatives when I have the class split into just two groups. I have never tried to get two thirds of the class to work on two different content-based tasks before!!! :-)

#8 - Options if students need help when Teacher is busy
LOVE the idea of having "Expert(s) of the Day" as a student job!!! I wonder if creating a Rubric for the Expert(s) to use when assisting fellow students would be useful in staying consistent with instruction and encourage studious behavior. 

#14 - Plan for "Quick Finishers"
Rubrics would be great here for students to self-assess their work before turning it in and declaring "All Finished with my work." Several ideas to illustrate "knock your socks off" come to mind: making a Knock Your Socks Off bulletin board listing what qualifies, brainstorm with students what characteristics of "finished work" qualifies.

 Chapter 6 provides 17 strategies that you can use to successfully meet the different instructional needs of your students. Please read the chapter and post to your blog.

Discuss at least 3 of the 17 management strategies that you could implement in your classroom that would help you manage the many needs of your students.

1 comment:

  1. Your plan for the quick learners is very creative! That would be something I that I will have to try out. I have several that finish quickly and I want to implement some new ideas for next year.
